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Welcome to the CCBA's Website!

The Central California Bankruptcy Association (CCBA) is a non-profit organization established in 1987 to foster education and cooperation among bankruptcy and insolvency professionals in Central California.


CCBA to Welcome CAEB's New Court Clerk

Please join Chief Judge Fredrick Clement and Bankruptcy Clerk Scott Yach at an informal meet and greet luncheon on Friday February 21, 2025, at noon, at the Fresno Federal Courthouse. Lunch provided by CCBA. Please RSVP for lunch.


The Central California Bankruptcy Association is pleased to

invite you to a "last chance" CLE on Thursday March 6, 2025

Minority Report: Predictive AI and the Future of Bankruptcy

Join CCBA at The Manhattan Steakhouse & Bar on March 6th for a social hour, a delicious dinner, and 1 hour of technology specialty MCLE. Panelists will include Peter Fear, Hon. Jennifer Niemann, and the ever-popular player to be named later. 

Dinner will be $45/attendee, and CCBA will sponsor the MCLE for members ($10 fee for nonmembers). 

The social hour will start at 5:30 (no host bar), dinner will be served at 6:30, and the program will begin at 7:00.

Please RSVP * by the close of business on Friday February 28.

Contact CCBA VP Aaron Chambers at with your questions. 

*Login for faster registration. Members must login for member CLE pricing. 

CCBA Membership


CCBA membership is open to attorneys, accountants, lenders, consultants, trustees, and others who deal with individuals and businesses in financial distress. To join, click "Member Signup" on the menu at the left of this page. The annual fee is $75. The membership year is August 1 to July 31.

Membership Renewal


To renew your membership, you may either:

1. login and renew by credit card or

2. if you have not had a change in contact information (including e-mail address), you may mail a check for $75 made payable to "CCBA" and mailed to CCBA, c/o SJCL, 901 5th Street, Clovis, CA  93612.